Friday, 20 May 2016

Tell people if bad parenting led to their baby's death, study says

Parents should be told if bad parenting contributed to their child’s sudden death even if the link can’t be proven, new guidance recommends.
A new study by Warwick University says bereaved parents should be given full details about what the risk factors were and what might have caused their child to die in cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Published in the British Medical Journal, the study suggests that doctors being completely frank with parents after a tragedy does not directly cause any additional self-blame and could be crucial in preventing repeat behaviour that could endanger another child.
We need to sensitively share this information about risk factors with bereaved parentsDr Joanna Garstang, Warwick Medical School

The advice turns on its head the current practice of many paediatricians, who do not discuss risk factors for fear of causing devastated mothers and fathers additional upset.
The academics’ advice has been backed by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, which yesterday said that people as young as school children should be educated to watch against the dangers of SIDS.

The phenomenon is defined as the unexplained death of an infant where no cause is found after a detailed post mortem.
There were 249 unexplained infant deaths in England and Wales in 2013, according to the Lullaby Trust, which provides specialist support for bereaved families.

Factors which increase the likelihood of SIDS are infants not sleeping on their backs, parental smoking, head-covering, use of soft bedding and co-sleeping on a sofa or with parents who have consumed alcohol.
Dr Joanna Garstang, who led the research, said: “Bereaved parents often blame themselves and feel guilty for these deaths due to the lack of explanation for them, but self-blame is also a common feature of grief.
“As professionals, we need to sensitively share this information about risk factors with bereaved parents.
“If these aren’t explained to parents they may be more likely to repeat their behaviour with their next baby and go through the heartache of losing a child again.”

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